Explore our free resources for small business owners and entrepreneurs in Capital Region.
Useful Links:
General Business
SME Direct - Gain access to a wealth of small business information available through Industry Canada. Small Business Planning Centre - In-depth site of how to start a business.
ENTERWeb - Quality source of information on small business, finance, community development, international trade, entrepreneurship, enterprise development, and the economy.
GoForth Institute - If you're looking to bolster your understanding of how to start, run or grow a successful and profitable business, learn GoForth Institute's 100 Essential Small Business Skills™ in only 10 hours conveniently delivered to your computer through streaming video and an option 400+ page resource curriculum book.
EDP - Connect with resources specifically for Entrepreneurs With Disabilities.
Alberta Employment
Alberta Works - offers employment and career resources, training supports, Alberta job & career fairs, income support, and health benefits
Alberta/Canada Job Grant - Train the workers you need. The Alberta-Canada job grant can help fund training for your new or current employees
Citizenship and Immigration Canada - Express Entry Information for Employers - You can fill labour market shortages permanently with skilled foreign nationals.
Youth Entrepreneurship
BDC Entrepreneurs First - Business Development Bank of Canada's entrepreneurship opportunities.
Futurpreneur - Assisting young entrepreneurs to get their ideas off the ground, Youth Business offers programs and services that allow them to achieve economic independence, develop self-confidence, and fulfill their goals of self-employment.
The Youth Entrepreneur's Network - An online community that supports the needs of young entrepreneurs from around the world as they attempt to build and thrive in their own businesses
Indigenous Resources
Regional Links
Starting a business in a city (Calgary/Edmonton)
Business Link operates walk-in centres in Edmonton and Calgary. They offer information and advice about everything from start-up, regulations, financing and loan programs to marketing, product sourcing, e-business and government programs and services. They can also be reached via a toll-free business information line: 1-800-272-9675.

Let’s see what we can do for your business
Give us a call, send us an email, or drop in for a chat.