For big ideas that haven't met the world... yet!
A "how-to" business initiative for independent teens
YETI is an annual locally-focused, high speed business training initiative for senior high-school teens in Parkland, Brazeau and Leduc Counties.
With startup cash, resources and guidance from Community Futures Capital Region staff, we'll help you turn your business idea into a full-time money-maker over the 8 weeks of summer - and well into the future!
The 2022 program has now come to end. Take a look at what we got up to below and what we have planned for 2023!

What did we do in 2022?
Live Camp Day
In early June, we broadcast live on social media for Camp Day. It was a day full of presentations from business owners, guest speakers, and Q&As on a range of entrepreneurial topics targeted at young people.
We had the honour of learning about healthy habits for young entrepreneurs from Nifemi Ashani, a creative and fashion stylist from Edmonton.
Nifemi shared the habits she has learned and adopted in her life to ensure the wellbeing of herself and her business, Styled by Nif.
You can find this and our full 2022 Live Camp Day content on the Young Entrepreneurs Training Initiative YouTube channel.
500 Club Contest
This year's entry to 500 Club was the biggest we've seen to date for our program! 15 young entrepreneurs from all over the Capital Region won up to $500 to help them with their businesses.

What will YETI look like in Capital Region in 2023?
Young Entrepreneurs Training Initiative
Next year, the full YETI program is returning to Capital Region. Applications open in May and we kick the program off on July 3rd 2023. Successful applicants will bring their business idea to a full week of training workshops where they'll receive help to shape it into a money maker. Each business will receive $500 for start up costs, set some summer goals, and then run the business over the 8 weeks of summer. All proceeds are theirs to keep AND they have a chance to receive an additional $500 at the end of the summer. There's a High Achiever award up for grabs, too!
YETI is open to all senior high school students in our region: Parkland, Brazeau and Leduc Counties. As well as on site training, Participants receive the comprehensive self-guided Student Workbook and may have the option to earn CTS high school credits in collaboration with their school.
Here's What Some of Our Past Participants Think About YETI...
The beginning $500 was very generous and more than enough to get us started, the workshops were very informative and helped us learn a lot, and the support was fantastic ; if we emailed someone with a question we would hear back very quickly.
The program has taught each of us, that entrepreneurship could be a potential that we would like to go into after high school. We really enjoyed managing things on our own and learning to be independent as well. Bringing new ideas and products to the community was also something that sparked this decision.
Overall I had an amazing time trying out my business and getting all the input about different aspects of the business, it was a great opportunity and I hope to use the skills I learned in another potential business idea later on down the road!
How do I get involved?
Watch Live Day Videos
We have lots of interesting entrepreneur focused videos on YouTube. Recordings from Live Day in 2022 as well as videos from previous years. Watch previous students talk about their YETI experience and where their businesses are now. Learn about how to run a sustainable business. Get a handle on marketing and branding your business. And lots more.
Beam Out the Message
By telling your parents, teachers, or youth organizations about YETI, we'll have the chance to visit your classroom over the next few months to explain the program and talk a little about what entrepreneurship is.
Keep in touch with the latest news by following us on Instagram, share on your own socials, or just ask your teachers to check out this webpage!
Think of an Idea
Maybe you've already got your business idea taking form, maybe you've even started your business already! But, if not, there's time to sift through your ideas and start shaping one ready for the YETI application period in May 2023. Then get those applications in!
Here's a Tip Sheet to get the cogs turning and help develop your idea.
School or Youth Organization?
If you are a teacher or administrator for a senior high school or youth association in our region (see the communities we serve in the footer below) and would like to learn more about YETI, send an email to yeti@cfcapitalregion.ca.
We offer year-round FREE entrepreneurial education sessions for your students - so you don't need to wait until YETI applications open.
Business or Municipality?
YETI is always on the look out for small business and municipal sponsorships. We have opportunities starting at just $500, and ALL our sponsorship dollars go directly to supporting students.
If you'd like to know more, download our sponsorship package or send an email to yeti@cfcapitalregion.ca. Our sponsorship drive opens each fall for the following summer: